Birmingham Regional Transportation Data Center 

As part of the Congestion Management Process, the Birmingham MPO in conjunction with the University Transportation Center for Alabama – University of Alabama at Birmingham, established a transportation data center in order to:

  • Address a need for historic and ongoing information about the Birmingham metropolitan planning area’s transportation system

  • Provide both decision-makers and the public with transportation system performance information, and

  • Assess the effectiveness of investments in the region’s transportation system

Because of the expense and difficulty of securing information, the MPO and UAB are actively developing alternative approaches to obtaining and internally managing traffic count and travel time information. Additional data related to air quality, safety, and transit will be included in the data center as funding becomes available.

Traffic Counts

Traffic counts are comprised of the annually collected Alabama Department of Transportation average daily traffic counts for interstates and state routes. Local traffic counts are compiled by Regional Planning Commission and local municipalities. The Birmingham area’s transportation consulting community also supplies traffic count data. To see the beta online version traffic counts, use the following link:

Traffic Counts