2050 Regional Transportation Plan - Adopted August 9, 2023

2050 Regional Transportation Plan
Appendix A - Capacity Projects
Appendix B - Public Involvement Summary
Appendix C - Environmental Justice
Appendix D - Travel Demand Model Review and Documentation
Appendix E - Emerging Technologies
Appendix F - Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
Appendix G - Birmingham MPO Systems Performance Report
Fiscally Constrained Non-Exempt Capacity Projects Map
Visionary Capacity Projects Map
Public Involvement Report and Documentation

April 19, 2023 Public Involvement Meetings - Overview Presentation and Voiceover recording of the Presentation

  • Click here to view the large format overview boards of the Chapters and Appendices

Regional Transportation Plan

The Birmingham MPO is required to develop and maintain a regional transportation plan for the Birmingham metropolitan area. The Regional Transportation Plan is a long-range plan that includes a balanced mix of projects such as bridges, bicycle paths, sidewalks, transit services, new and upgraded roadways, safety improvements, transportation demand management initiatives and emission reduction strategies. In short, the RTP is a “blueprint” that guides the region’s federal transportation investments in the transportation system to reduce congestion, build new sidewalks and bicycle facilities, improve transit service and access to transit and maintain freight access over a period of several decades. The plan must be updated every five years.

The RTP recognizes that whether it is getting to work by car, biking to the store, or moving freight, transportation is the key to ensuring a high quality of life for every one of the region’s citizens. A safe, connected, and well maintained transportation system is essential to growing the economy, and connecting and moving people, goods and services.

The RTP speaks to:

  • The need to combat congestion

  • The need to provide connections between critical resources

  • The need to protect natural resources, and;

  • The need to strengthen the economy

The RTP entails many components: safety, freight, roads, bikeways, pedestrian services, public transit, alternative transportation, transportation maintenance, transportation security, the Intelligent Transportation System (which includes computerized message boards), analysis for air quality, and the forecasting of future land use.

The vision, goals, and wide-ranging policies on which the plan is based describe the major concepts that the region’s residents would like to achieve with the transportation system, and reflects local desires for travel and transportation as expressed in these communities’ adopted comprehensive and master plans. This framework lays a foundation for the kinds of plans and projects that will provide the best transportation solutions.

The RTP must be updated every four years. Amendments may be made to the plan as new projects, funding or programs arise.


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